9 Space wallpapers

It’s time for a new wallpaper roundup, so we’re bringing you nine high-resolution space themed images. These pictures are all large enough that they should look great on just about any screen size, whether its a desktop Mac, PC, iPhone, or a retina iPad.

Click through the images or links to get to the full versions, most of which are hosted by NASA from their Hubble and Picture of the Day sites, download them to your devices, and switch up that desktop with a journey into deep space.

The Witches Broom Nebula

Witches Broom Nebula

Carina Nebula

Carina Nebula

iOS 7 Galaxy sized at 2048×2048

iPad iOS 7 wallpaper

You might recognize this one from the initial iOS 7 beta wallpaper collection sized for iPhone and iPod touch, except it’s at a higher resolution intended for iPad and desktops. (Heads up to iClarified for the image)

Orion Nebula

Orion Nebula

Richat Structure

Richat Structure

The Eagle and the Swan

Eagle and swan nebula

Moon, venus, and clouds and sunset

Venus clouds and the moon

Witch’s Whiskers

Witch Whiskers

M31 Andromeda

Andromeda M31

This may look familiar to Mac users, as it’s the same galaxy the default wallpaper of OS X Mountain Lion is rendered from.

Not enough for you? Check out more wallpaper roundups from the archives.



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