Mobo: Gigabyte GA-F2A78M-HD2 Processor: AMD A10-7850K 3.7 GHz GPU: EVGA NVidia Geforce GTX 750ti RAM: G.Skill Sniper series 8 gb (2x4gb)

Installed with Yosemite 10.10.1 Zone Distro Kernel: /amd2 Bootflags: npci=0x3000 nvda_drv=1 kext-dev-mode=1 GraphicsEnabler=No SMBios: Mac Pro 3.1 Graphics Drivers: NVIDIA WebDriver-343.01.01f02 with nVidia injection and VBIOS Bootloader: Clover UEFI

Whenever I open apps such as Safari, Maps, and Finder windows, they are very slow and unresponsive. Then, they crash and I get the "A graphics problem has been detected" error. Everything works fine with nv_disable=1, but I don't want to boot with that as there is no acceleration and no HD resolution. I've tried the Webkit patch and had no luck and I feel like I'm out of options.

EDIT: About my Mac also reports 0 VRAM for my graphics card. Could this be related?

submitted by csudderth1

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