I need to find a new WiFi chip for my laptop, since my QCNFA335 is not supported by OS X. It's an extremely small network card.
I bought a USB stick, an Edimax which worked with OSX, but wasn't natively supported so it always connected via a third party app, where you could only log into networks with your password. But my school network needs both a username and a password.
So, I need to find a USB stick that is natively supported by the OS X built-in WiFi menu, that should appear at the top bar.
Or maybe I should install a kext so that it does that with my current one? No idea!
Please help me!
edit: I've checked all compatibility lists, too. But they're often not for sale anymore or don't work on Yosemite.
submitted by WolfofAnarchy
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What is missing? Please comment to help! ...[source] For more info try www.iatkos.net
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