Hey guys,

My build:

ASRock Z97E-itx/ac


Gigabyte GTX970 G1 Gaming

16GB 1600MHz Kingston DDR3

So at first I was having trouble even getting the installer to boot from my USB. I was able to get it going by modifying the kexts in the USB and setting my mobo to run only the integrated graphics. Then I used the nv_disable flag to finally get through to the installer. I was able to install successfully, but then got KPs in Yosemite until I was able to flash the kexts using Multibeast (NullCPU and FakeSMC). Once that was done the system seemed pretty stable so I went through with Multibeast and it seemed like most stuff was working pretty well. I verified I was booting correctly without the USB, and then I was able to get online with Ethernet and download the Nvidia driver and install it without issues. I also added the nvda_drv flag to the Chimera cfg file in /Extras. I just tried booting up and, here we go again... Does this screen look familiar?

I'm kind of at wit's end. I don't know what to try anymore. I went through and moved all the AppleIntelHD* and AppleIntelK* kexts to a backup folder but that didn't solve my issue. Should I use IGPEnable=no? Should I try nv_disable=no again? Does that interfere with nvda_drv=yes?

Feeling pretty bummed. I thought buying parts from the tonymac buying guide meant a smooth install process but this had been nothing but headaches.

submitted by Sinasis

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