So, I bricked my MacBook Pro running Yosemite a few weeks ago, and have replaced it with an Laptop running Ubuntu.
While I'm fine with not using OS X daily, I want to be able to know that I can use my old OSX setup every once in a while. Also, the hacker in me wants to have some fun with this.
I have installed a Hackintosh fresh a few years ago, so I know I can run OS X on my desktop (my motherboard doesn't support sleep, but oh well). I still have a USB stick with 10.8 and Multibeast on it. I plugged it in and booted to the USB and tried to use it to boot my old SSD, but I got the error "can't find mach_kernel".
Worst comes to worst I can just install OS X fresh and copy things over, but so much of my old system was personalized.
Anybody have experience "rescuing" a dead Mac?
submitted by MatticusF1nch
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