Searching my hardware and the word hackintosh really helped me, so I'm adding my own information to the webs in the hopes someone else will benefit. Thanks to corpnewt for help with GFX.
Hardware/Software Versions:
- ASRock Z97 Extreme4
- i5 4690k
- 2x4 GB RAM in slots 2 and 4
- SanDisk SSDPlus 240GB
- Rosewill N900 PCIe Wifi card
- Monitor plugged into the HDMI port in the GFX card
- Clover v2.3k_r3346
- Clover Configurator v4.27.0 Vibrant
- BIOS v2.3
I didn't get UEFI booting to work, but the App Store works and the whole thing boots nicely so I gave up on that. I don't get the advantage of trying to set up UEFI if everything works anyway. When I was messing around with UEFI booting, sometimes it would boot but the keyboard wouldn't work, the mouse would move the cursor but the mouse buttons didn't work.
Sleep/wake: sleep and wake works, but when asleep it actually has all the fans running and everything instead of a true sleep state.
_0. Update ASRock BIOS to 2.30. Not sure if required.
_1. Format USB stick as Extended, 1 partition, GUID table
_2. Copy OSX files using the terminal command: sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --volume /Volumes/USB --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --nointeraction
_3. Install Clover v.2 using the following options:
- Install Clover in the ESP
- Bootloader: Install boot0af in MBR
- CloverEFI 64-bits SATA
- EmuVariableUefi-64
- OsxAptioFixDrv-64
- Install RC scripts
_4. Add files:
- FakeSMC.kext to the 10.11 folder
- HFSPlus-64.efi in the drivers64UEFI folder, delete VBox
_5. Clover config:
- ACPI/DSDT/SSDT: no fixes checked, only CStates and PStates
- SMBios: iMac 14,2 (Haswell)
- flags: -v nv_disable=1
- USB: Inject, AddClock, FixOwnership (not sure if needed)
- Systems: Inject System ID
_6. Boot from USB, choose boot Install Mac OS X. Run through installer. Reboot, and choose boot Install Mac OS X again. Reboot, and this time choose the new partition - now we're into the OS setup!
_7. Install Clover on your drive with the new install of OSX, using the same settings as above. Now the new OSX should be bootable without the USB plugged in.
_8. Update to 10.11.3 or whatever is the most recent OS version before continuing with the GFX and audio fixes, as they will break with every update.
_9. In 10.11.2, you can do the audio fix without messing with SIP. In 10.11.3, you must disable SIP: under RtVariables in Clover Configurator, CsrActiveConfig should be 0x67 and BooterConfig should be 0x28. After the install, people recommend reenabling SIP by deleting those vars from your Clover config, for security.
_10. Install NVidia web drivers. After they are installed, boot with the flag nvda_drv=1 instead of nvidia_disable=1. If you want to boot with no flags, you can do the same as setting nvda_drv=1 by manually editing /System/Library/Extensions/ In this file you look for the Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6 = Config1 line and you replace it with Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6 = none. I did it using sudo pico because of permissions. Then download Kext Wizard and use it to Update Cache and Repair Permissions.
_11. Install ALC1150 audio drivers by running the command from the insanelymac forum page below: Need to have the EFI mounted, can use Clover Configurator or EFI Mounter. Run the script - auto detected ALC1150 (y). 0 not supported (y). Injection (y). (1). Says restart required.
_12. Enable TRIM using sudo trimforce enable.
_13. Restart and everything should be working!
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