Hi guys!

I am planning to replace my Macbook Pro on my desk with a gaming/workstation computer that is going to dual-boot Windows and OSX.

This is actually my first time building a computer, so I have tried choosing parts that are the most compatible. I used tonymacx86.com for the parts.

I am buying the parts from a Norwegian online retailer, so I have included a parts list from a screen shot of a shopping cart on the site.

Here is the screenshot from the shopping cart.

Also, that picture includes an error, the RAM should be DDR3, not 4 :)

Do you guys think that this will work out okay? Is Hackintosh gotten any easier over the years? Im kinda worried about doing this, as this is my first time building a computer, but I am so heavily invested in OSX, and I would like a computer with a more powerful GPU than my integrated graphics in my beloved MBPr 15"!

submitted by /u/Slicktown_Rick
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