I just created a bootable el capitan unibeast usb for my new asus laptop with the following specs:

Asus N551VW Core I7 6700HQ GTX960M and Intel HD530

and after a lot of fixinig I think I got the installer to boot but I can't see anything on the display.

The last thing that I can see on the display is "DSMOS Has Arrived!" and then it just blacks out. I have tried nv_disable=1, GraphicsEnabler=Yes dart=0 and messing around with the injections in clovers config.plist

I have tried everything that I could think of but it keeps showing that black screen, if I'm not booting verbose, the progressbar gets to about 50% before a line appears for 1 second and then it goes to a black screen.

Can anyone help me fix this issue?

submitted by /u/nnvt
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