Hello! I am trying to figure out a way to install The AzureWave BCM94352HMB on my computer. I have looked at many guides online, have downloaded kext files and tried to change them. I tried downloading Clover but was instantly lost. The guides I found haven't gotten me very far because I keep second guessing what needs to happen with the kext files when I think it's probably much more simple than I'm making it out to be, haha. Everything else has been much easier to install because I can pull up a Youtube or Tony87x tutorial and follow along step by step. Is there any easy guide for new Hackintosh users or has anyone perhaps made a Youtube video? Thanks! GTX 960 Nvidia graphics Intel i7 4790 K Gigabyte Z97N I was able to install Yosemite, install the graphics card, the audio drivers, and everything else BUT the Wifi. So everything up until this point is working. Thank you so much! -Very new user So close to having everything work!

submitted by /u/ariella5353
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