Hi there, pretty new to all this.
I first tried to install OS X with a pretty generic guide using UniBeast. But the fact that the onboard keyboard and touchpad didn't work hold me back from starting the installation.

So I looked for a guide that referenced this model and found this one. And also found this post-installation package.

After endless combinations of boot flags and modifications to the Clover options, I managed to boot at times and to fix the display settings other times. But when I fixed the resolution it kept restarting after a couple minutes at best, few seconds most of the time. Trying to fix that I somehow screwed up, so it now only boots without full support of the GPU.

I tried updating clover to it's latest iteration, unsing the ProBook Installer, which can't succesfully install everything due to an error with DirectHW.kext and so on.

Its is pretty usable, Wi-Fi is working, Ethernet, USB, Keyboard. I even somehow managed to make the VGA por usable at 800*600, which I can no longer replicate.

This is my exact hardware config. If you need any specific files from the hackintosh, just let me know which ones and how to get them.

I really hope someone has been able to install OS X in this notebook, because I need to use Xcode as soon as possible :/

submitted by /u/HerrTesla
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