Hey guys I posted this on tonymac, but I'm not getting any responses. I don't want to seem to impatient, but I really need my computer back up for work. For the life of me I cannot figure out what is wrong. If anyone could help me I would be very thankful.

I am running a 10.11 Hackintosh with an Asus x99 Sabertooth motherboard and a Intel 5820k processor. I recently wanted to get hwsensors to work on my computer so I could monitor my temperatures. I opened the latest version of MultiBeast and selected the 3 FakeSMC options. Now when I try to put my computer I get stuck on a PCI Configuration Begin, and it crashes when it gets to still waiting for root devices.

Here is what I tried to fix it. I deleted all the FakeSMC drivers from /Library/Extensions, but that didn't seem to work, which really confused me. I looked up online and I tried booting with different PCIRootUID of 0 and 1 and just about every other bootflag, but that still didn't help. I really have no clue what to do, because everything seems to be the same as before. Is there something MultiBeast changed that I am not aware of?

Thank you so much for everything! I really just want to get back to how my installation was and I just can't figure it out.

I decided to put into my recovery, just to see if it was possible and it booted up fine. I tried to then use the System Kexts from the recovery drive and it still didn't work. I'm just so confused and I need my computer :(


submitted by /u/snowcamo
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