Today Apple released Mac OS X 10.7.1 the 1st major update to Mac OS X Lion. To update for any supported CPU, we recommend that you download the entire standalone installer.
Be sure to back up any important data, and if possible clone your hard drive before applying the update. Testing is underway. Report your results in the forum here.

What we know about 10.7.1 so far...
- 11.1.0 Darwin kernel
- New Graphics Drivers
- If you use edited kexts, most likely you'll have to make the edits again- or restore backups.
- The update will replace your AppleHDA.kext.
- If you use ALC8xxHDA for audio, you will have to reinstall AppleHDA Rollback using MultiBeast. If you're using VoodooHDA, you will not need to make any modifications.
- If you use Sleepenabler.kext, remove before updating.
This post will be updated.
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