
  •   Snow Leopard hackintosh
  •   Intel Core 2 Duo or higher
  •   Supported GPU (GT120, ATI4870 etc.)
  •   Retail Snow Leopard DVD (if not installed)
  •   Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Combo Update (if not installed)
  •   OSX Lion from App Store $29
  •   iBoot 3.1 and MultiBeast 3.7.3 from www.tonymacx86.com
  •   Chameleon RC5 r828 Found at insanelymac.com
  •   DSDT.aml for your motherboard (if not already installed in your Extra folder)

Creating a Bootable Install Disc for Mac OS X Lion

1. Find the Mac OS X Installation file in Applications Folder. Right-click on it and choose “Show Package Contents”. You are looking for “SharedSupport” folder, inside you will find a disc image called “InstallESD.dmg”

2. Copy “InstallESD.dmg” to your Mac OS X Desktop or somewhere where you want it to be for the moment.

3. Burn It with Disk Utility.

//to be continued...

Creating a Bootable USB Drive and Mac OS X Lion installation

1. Follow the steps 1 and 2 from "Creating a Bootable Install Disc for Mac OS X Lion".

2. Open "InstallESD.dmg" and mount "BaseSystem.dmg"

3. Open DiskUtility and partition your USB stick.

4. In DiskUtility choose your new partition on USB stick and click the restore tab. 

5. Drag the Mac OS Base System image in the source and your USB stick partition in destination and click restore.

6. Your partition will be renamed to Mac OS Base System.
Go to System/Installation and delete packages folder.

7. From mounted BaseSystem.dmg copy Packages folder back to Mac OS Base System on your USB stick.

8. You also need to copy this to your USB partition root folder, just drop it on USB Stick icon:

you will have to use Terminal to see hidden files on your drives, just type this: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true

>   disk_label boot.efi 
>   kernelcache 
>   mach_kernel
>   MacOSX_Media_Background.png.

9. Install Chameleon on your USB Stick (my guide to install Chameleon here)

google: Chameleon RC5 Lion Installer on OSX Lion release day.

or use: latest Chameleon 2.0 Found at insanelymac.com

10. Copy your Extra Folder from your Snow Leopard partition to USB Stick root partition.

11. Restart

12. Boot from iBoot cd you burned before and choose Mac OSX Base System partition as the one you want to boot from.

You should be able to boot off your USB Stick aka Mac OSX Base System partition and start installing OSX Lion. During installation you should open DiskUtility and reformat/repartition your old Snow Leopard drive if you want to use only OSX Lion.

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