Getting Started
Can't solve a problem or find an answer to your question? Our forums can help provide solutions to your problems. Remember to search before posting!
- See our Installation Guides for a step-by-step guide to get you started!
- Also check out our Dictionary of OSx86 Terms for an outline of common technical terms
- Our Technical FAQ helps solve the most common problems
Hardware Compatibility
- Check out Apple hardware for more information on the specs of Apple's machines
- Confused about EFI? Read all about it on our EFI page.
- What is DSDT? Read more on our DSDT page.
OS X Lion
- 10.7.1 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop ComputersNew!
- 10.7.0 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.7 Seeds Hardware Compatibility: Components
Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- 10.6.8 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.7 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.6 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.5 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.4 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.3 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.2 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.1 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
- 10.6.0 Hardware Compatibility: Components, Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
Tips and Tweaks
Help configuring your installation to work just right.
- If your OSx86 installation is running slowly, please check out our SpeedBoost section.
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