1) remove anything permitted to audio enabling (AppleHDA, VoodooHDA, AppleAzaliaAudio, etc..)
2) Run Disk Permissions with Disk Utility, Kext Wizard, Kext Utility... (Prefer running Disk Utility and then Kext Utility)
3) Reboot
4) Put the AppleHDA.kext to System/Library/ Extensions
5)Put the ALC662.kext on Extra/Extensions
6) Put the dsdt.aml to /Extra
7) Run Terminal and type this:

sudo perl -pi -e 's|\x85\x08\xec\x10|\x62\x06\xec\x10|g' /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDA

8) Run Disk Utility first and then.. kext utility
9) Reboot
10) If it worked, go eat rice

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