Hey so this is my first time here. I bought an Imac back in feb '07 for all around use. I got into gaming and although it wasn't really equipped for gaming, it was able to struggle through. It has finally reached the end of it's life and I was looking at picking up a higher end model until I found out about the possibility of creating a Hackintosh. The pricing being much more reasonable and the freedom to customize it is pretty cool. I spent the last 2 weeks learning about all the necessary components required to assemble a computer. I have done some reading and have come up with a list of specs and was just hoping to be corrected if there is a compatibility issue and/or issues any of you have experience with any of these parts.
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
i5-3570k intel cpu
Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD3H mobo
Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB video card
Corsair Vengeance 8 GB (2x4GB) DDR3 Ram
Samsung 840 EVO 250GB SSD - for os + games
Seagate 1 TB HDD (ST1000DM003) - storage
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO or Corsair H60
Corsair Modular CX600M power supply
TP-LINK N450 TL-WDN4800 wireless adapter
LG dvd drive
My choice for the ivy bridge is backed with absolutely no technical knowledge or even logic, i just saw less cons in 3570k reviews than I did in the 4670k. Does anyone recommend a part swap for a substitute in the same price range, and if so why? Do any of these parts have a reputation for having issues? I've checked a bunch of reviews but asking one more time shouldn't hurt. I don't know what to cool the cpu with between the two choices (evo 212/h60). I feel comfortable building the computer myself after watching the countless videos, however I'm not comfortable adding the thermal paste but I'm sure I can't botch it. Another question I have is if I go with the h60, do I add thermal paste? I haven't come across a video that showed it.
There is a guy in the area I just moved into that adds the os x install and does the configuration which I am going to have him do. I would do it myself but I moved out of my house and across the country before learning about building a hackintosh and now can't download the OS myself since my dying mac is back home. I guess if there is another way to acquire the OS/unibeast/multibeast etc. without bugging someone with a mac, that would be good to know. Anyways, any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by quickjump
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