Alright guys so I browse these forums every so often because I love Hackintoshing and I do it on YouTube alot as well. I recently upgraded my PC and after two days of tinkering with my system I was able to get a fully working Hackintosh! Heres my specs:
Processor: AMD FX-6300 Motherboard: Gigabyte 990-FXA-UD3 GPU: GeForce GTX 760 (Worked out of the box, no additional kexts!) PSU: Thermaltake TR2-700 700W PSU RAM: 4GB Memory Storage: 60GB SSD (used as Windows boot drive) 500GB Hard Drive (Used for additional files, completely wiped for mac)
It was a tedious process however with some help of a friend I was able to get it running pretty smoothly. Here's my process:
1) I initially was going to use Niresh's 10.9 distro, however I decided since I have a MacBook I could install Tonymacx86's Unibeast and then replace the Mach_kernel with a modified AMD Mach_Kernel
2) Then, I booted into my USB drive and used the boot flags "GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x3000 -v" Booted into installation flawlessly. Thanks to the modified AMD kernel I was able to avoid getting a kernel panic here.
3) Partitioned/installed on my 500GB Hard Drive. Nothing to say here really, just format as Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) and I was good to go.
(keep in mind that no kexts and a bootloader is not on the partition yet, I will have to do that post-installation)
4) Install went smooth as expected, but when I tried to boot into my Mac I realized that every time (I tried about three times) It would just reboot and start over again.
5) I make tutorials on YouTube. And I remember that in my Mountain Lion tutorial I actually had to copy and paste the kernel that I used in the installation to my partition to boot. So I thought it was worth a shot. I went into terminal, typed "cp /mach_kernel /Volumes/Macintosh" (Macintosh being my partition name)
6) Restarted the boot and it booted flawlessly. Once again using the flags "GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x3000 -v"
7) Post installation I was able to install my ethernet and tried to install my alc audio kext, but it didn't work. That wasn't top of my priorities then, I needed a bootloader. Using the DSDT-Free setup Unibeast offered, I always kept getting a kernel panic every time I booted. Then I tried to boot with "-x" for a safe boot and it was able to get past the conflicting kexts. I deleted my AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext and AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient.kext and it booted up no problem once again.
8) After booting and everything almost done, I downloaded the newest Chameleon bootloader and rebooted. Once again, worked flawlessly.
9) Finally, I installed VoodooHDA for my audio. It worked, however the volume was really quiet. I had to edit a .plist string to fix it. My microphone malfunctions alot, and to my friends who I talk to on Skype say I sound like a robot. Hopefully I can fix this in the near future.
Overall I'm pretty proud of the outcome and hopefully I'll make a tutorial on how to install 10.9 for AMD processors sometime soon.
Here's a screenshot of some of the system info:
If anyone has any tips/tricks/questions please feel free to leave a comment! Thanks for reading.
submitted by 38darkness42
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