So, I have a GTX 980. Because of this I require the Nvidia web drivers to boot into OS X and run it.
No problem, when I use the proper boot settings in Clover, it will boot into OS X and run without issue. However...
Every few days, for some reason, it seems the drivers lose their permissions and OS X fails to boot (I get the Ghostbusters symbol).
A user on Reddit informed me if I run Kext Utility it will set the permissions, and allow me to boot. Which it does.
The problem is that a few days later, it will stop working and the only way I can boot into OS X is to use a Chameleon USB boot drive, which bypasses the Nvidia settings allowing me to boot.
Not a huge deal, but it signs me out of everything, screws up my handoff, and is generally annoying.
So, I am wondering if anyone can help me fix it. Normally, I would just boot without cache files from Clover, but it refuses to work. So, I am stuck until I can find a way to fix this.
submitted by Crazylegsmurphy
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