hey, I have a quick question. Not too worried about compatibility or anything. I have Windows 8.1 currently installed and I set up a ~300gb simple volume partition to install OS X on (Niresh 10.7.3). Only one drive and can't afford to grab another, plus it's not worth it since I'm upgrading my computer in the next year or so anyhow.

I could totally reinstall Windows after OS X but I'm thinking I wouldn't need to. My only concern is booting back into Windows AFTER installing OS X. How does this work/how could I do this? I know I can use EasyBCD to set up a bootloader where I can access Windows, but will Windows remain the default boot since it was the first OS installed or will there be something else I have to do after installing OS X?

To recap, since I'm kind of rambling:

  • Windows 8.1 already installed
  • Going to install Niresh 10.7.3 (my main reason for installing Lion is that I have my monitor connected by VGA and can't grab a DVI for a few weeks)
  • How to boot back into Windows after installing OS X?
submitted by JaysusMoon
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