Hello everyone. I finally managed to make a hackintosh out of my Lenovo X220 T laptop. And its running 10.4!!! First time i got this going so well. Everything is working except wireless internet (which i knew based on the hardware).
Also, in About This Mac it says i have an i7 CPU running at 2.8 Ghz however i have an i5 2520m cpu thats rated for 2.5 Ghz. I wasn't sure what to think, so i ran geek bench 3 and it showed the cpu as the i5 but at 2.8 Ghz. Also i had scores 2205 for Single Core and 4786 for Multi Core. Are these scores alright? This is my school laptop so no gaming or intensive programs.
also, any advice on an easy to get to work and small wireless USB dongle that I can buy for the hackintosh??? Thanks :D
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