Thanks to this sub and some internet resources, everything works for me now. I used Clover and booted into the setup with nv_disable=1. On it were the standard kexts and the Intel Ethernet driver. Interestingly, I had to copy the Nvidia web drivers to my USB and install them on the Hackintosh to get Clover to load the Ethernet kexts. Afterwards, I was able to download Clover, Clover Configurator and start fixing everything.
At first, after the Graphics Drivers installation, my monitor lost the signal. I had to boot with nv_disable=1 again and set the SMBIOS to Mac 14,2. Now the graphics were working perfectly.
Then I wanted iMessage. https://www.reddit.com/r/hackintosh/comments/2wem3z/imessage_yosemite_guide/ This guide worked perfectly.
Finally I needed audio, and toledas .command scripts didnt recognize anything, so I used another guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/hackintosh/comments/397wl1/guide_realtek_alc_8xx_1150_with_native_applehda/ To get it to work. AppleHDA8Series patch in the curl script didnt work anymore, so I had to find the new path, but other than that, I got audio working!
But when I put it to sleep, and woke it up again, audio was gone. CodecCommander solved that problem!
Now the only "problem" left is that I have no sound when I restart from Windows to OSX, id like to fix that, but im not sure if its that easy, for now, im happy!
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