Howdy, y'all.

I'm a college student studying both computer science and visual arts. This coming semester, I'm going to need to be able to run Final Cut Pro and possibly other Mac-exclusive software.

I'm from a pretty poor family, so buying a legitimate MacBook for just one program is almost completely out of the question. If I get a reasonably powerful Windows laptop and turn it into a Hackintosh, is it likely to run Final Cut Pro well enough for student work?

I'd like to emphasize that I'm really not aiming for a professional workload here. This won't be my primary computer, and I likely won't even keep it as a Hackintosh after I'm out of the course - it'd be better for me as a Linux machine for programming or something.

At the moment I'm looking at the Lenovo Z50 (i7/8GB), per recommendations from a few lists of Hackintosh-compatible laptops.

Is this a reasonable plan? Thanks, y'all.

submitted by YCobb
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