I have a problem with my new Hackintosh: Apple Maps will not run whatever I do. It invariably crashes with exception type EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) and exception code KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE. Crash report.

CPU: Intel Core i3-4160
GPU: Nvidia/ASUS GTX 750 Ti, the kind that needs a modified BIOS to work with OS X
Motherboard: ASUS H81M-K
DSDT: this one, with a few USB-related _PRW entries removed
Drivers: the latest Nvidia GPU and CUDA web drivers are installed, and 2D/3D acceleration works just fine

The only other devices I have plugged in are a USB hard drive, keyboard and mouse. No wireless card, just a Realtek wired one. Onboard audio is disabled - I use HDMI.

I figured it was an OpenCL issue (the crash report mentions cl_kernels) and tested my graphics card with LuxMark. The results are a bit confusing - it works perfectly, in both GPU and CPU modes, for the low-complexity scene, but crashes with a different EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception, namely KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS, when trying to render the medium- and high-complexity scenes.

Any ideas on what I should try next?

submitted by am3000
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