Build Help/Ready:
What is your intended use for this build? The more details the better.
Gaming at 1080p 60-max fps, coding, VM (hackintosh), media consumption, web browsing, media streaming via plex
If gaming, what kind of performance are you looking for? (Screen resolution, FPS, game settings)
1080p at 60fps or greater, max settings
What is your budget (ballpark is okay)?
$1000. This budget that I made is actually $1230 because I am taking advantage of the fry's deal for the i7 bundle which is $499 but the parts individually add up to $592 but if anyone has a better suggestion on where to buy the i7 cpu and motherboard where I can save money.
I will take advantage of the sales that are coming up on july 13-17 to try to bring it down to $1000. I doubt it will happen though. I am fine paying $1200. I am willing to go over if it will benefit my build.
In what country are you purchasing your parts?
California, USA
Post a draft of your potential build here (specific parts please). Consider formatting your parts list. Don't ask to be spoonfed a build (read the rules!).
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Provide any additional details you wish below.
Here is the fry's deal that I mentioned:
I will not be overclocking right away but when I will not see the performance that I am satisfied with, I will overclock. That is why I chose the k series, I want it to be unlocked for the future.
I chose two 120gb ssd's because each one will have windows and osx respectively. The hdd is for additional storage. I will try to partition it into 500gb so windows and osx can use it.
I want to read and write blu ray cd's so the burning blu ray feature is important.
I wanted 16gb of ram. I know I probably won't ever use it but I just wanted it.
the video card is something that I chose because it should be hackintosh compatible. But I think 4gb should be enough right? Can I buy another one in the future and crossfire it so I have 8gb?
NOTE: You do not have to follow this format, but please be sure to answer these questions. Please do not ask to simply be given a build. You are welcome to delete this section.
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