Hello people of reddit hackintosh.
I don't know why I'm considering it, so I don't really have a set goal in mind. Here is my background:
I have two, soon to be three, macbooks. I also have a custom built gaming PC (mid-range) and two chromebooks. I also have two chromebooks. It might seem I have a problem, but I'm working as IT in a school and for the family (not really, I'm just the guy that ends up with the computers that don't work...) so I just have all of this. I actually have too much and I want to narrow things down. Did I mention the Android phone and the tablet.. ;>.>
Prefer to work with Chrome OS. We have Google at school and I'm a Google user and it's easiest and fastest for me to work on chromebooks. Mac OS comes close second as the complete "home" for stuff that I need, and I'm going to tinker around with my oldest non-working Mac (2006 15" macbook pro) to make it into a file server or SFTP, depending (that's why I said soon to be three at start).
Despite what it might look like because of all these machines, I live on a very low budget). I barely make it through the month. If I had the cash, I would probably buy a mac pro and bootcamp windows for gaming. I refer OS over windows because I know it better, I work with it, and now with the new upgrade to windows 10 and the integration of yet another account, now with Microsoft, I'm all just eeeechhhkkk.
OK. Enough background, I think you get the idea of what I can and what I can't do. The question I want to ask you guys is the one you should probably be asking me... why hackintosh? What would it solve, in my case, if anything? Is it a huge headache, since I have a working windows 10 machine now with custom parts, or not really?
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