Hello there! So, I've recently tried to setup a dual boot system on my hackintoshable PC, the only problem is, my motherboard is the B85M-G by Asus, and Asus made a stupid decision that makes it not possible to boot from a GUID partition (Shame on you, Asus!!) and for those who don't know, Clover (non-EFI), Chimera, and Chameleon, all boot off the Macintosh HD partition. I tried to follow this video

How To Dual Boot Hackintosh OSX Yosemite & Windows 10

but after I thought everything was OK, and I was gonna have a dual boot setup, and BAM! Basically this video describes it (1:26)

Install Bootloader to EFI Partition [Quick Hackintosh Tip]

I've since gave up, and recently, well im bored.

Is there a way to overcome this issue? Also, can I just install the bootloader to the EFI partition like he said in the video? But my concern is that it will have conflicts with the Windows EFI files.

All help is appreciated! C: Thanks!!!

**EDIT: I forgot to list my specs:

Intel Core i5-4570 ASUS B85M-G MSI GTX 750 Ti and I think that's the important ones**

submitted by Techified
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