Hey folks,

So I had my hackintosh working fine a few weeks ago, but then I removed my Intel Core i3-4330 to sell it. Just today, I got my 4790k and now when I boot up (whether it's in verbose or regular), after the initial loading bar or white text in the case of verbose boot, I get stuck with an all-black screen. The display doesn't go into power saving mode, so it's still getting a signal, but I don't think the boot completes fully since when I press the volume keys on my keyboard, I can't hear the little tone it makes.

Booting into safe mode works fine, and booting Windows 10 (UEFI) from Clover also works 100%. I think since safe mode works, there's gotta be a kext somewhere that's conflicting. I know it's not the nVidia web driver, since I just updated that from within safe mode and I'm still getting the issue.

Hardware: * Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3 * Intel Core i7-4790k * NVidia GeForce GTX 960 4GB

Kexts (that I can remember) * FakeSMC.kext (from HWSensors) * AppleHDA patched via toleda's cloverALC script * Realtek 8111E ethernet driver from Tonymacx86 (I think it's the lnx2mac one) * All the latest HWSensors kexts except ACPISensors.kext * USBSeries8Injector.kext for working USB ports on El Cap I'm also using the patched DSDT for my motherboard with the patch from

Anyone have any ideas? OS X won't mount the EFI partition from within safe mode, so I'm not really sure how to proceed on that front.


submitted by phantomsniper77
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