Hey all,

So I have a huge problem that I am unable to find a solution for. I recently bought a GTX 960 for my build. After installing the web drivers, everything crashed and burned. Everything that I have tried, boot flags and boot options, fails to load my OS back up. Here is what I have tried, and all have failed.

nv_disable=1 doesn't seem to work because nvda_drv=1 always always always somehow pops back up no matter if I delete it or not from my clover plist.

the kext flag does nothing, I can't 100% remember what the exact boot flag was but it had to do with the default kexts.

PCIRootUID=1 does nothing (I don't think)

GraphicsEnabler=Yes/No changes nothing

-x does nothing

Booting into the recovery partition does nothing

I've tried different combinations of these with iMac15,1 iMac14,2 MacPro5,1 MacPro3,1 to no avail

I have changed my versions from 10.10.10 to 10.11.3 in many different combinations and that didn't change anything.

When I boot into verbose, it hangs on hfs: Waiting on unmount on Reccovery HD. This is always where it hangs no matter which flags I have enabled. I am at the point where I am just ready to reinstall but I already have so much set up on this install that I would like to fix it.

I have even removed the card, plugged back into the integrated graphics and did all of this and it still hangs. FRUSTRATING.


Gigabyte H97N-WIFI

2 Samsung Evo's, 250GB one for OSX one for Win10

i3 4370

OSX 10.11.3

Any ideas would be appreciated, I have scoured every forum to do with Hacks and have turned up nothing.

submitted by /u/JayRyGeo
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