According to PikerAlpha's blog post Skylake Bus Speed Tip, System Information should not be reporting a 400MHz Bus Speed in Hardware Overview, which I could see on my system.

I looked up the Clover wiki and the workaround PikerAlpha suggests involves changing the Clover source and recompiling, which I'd rather avoid.

However, if I add the CPU>QPI value = 100 in Clover's config.plist, the Bus Speed entry disappears from System Information. Is that meant to happen?

After the change, running sysctl hw in terminal now returns a hw.busfrequency value of 100000000 and IORegistryExplorer reports IOService:/clock-frequency and IOService:/cpuN@N/bus-frequency as <00 e1 f5 05>. So everything looks OK now but I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing.

Is the bus speed just a cosmetic value as the Clover wiki suggests? I'm confused!

submitted by /u/elthordir
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