X99 Deluxe 3.1 / 5960 3.0Ghz 8-core i7 / 32GB RAM / 980ti / 1000w EVGA ps / Clover / OS10.10 / Win10 Pro / NEC PA272W / Vive

Recent build (born in April 2016). Noob at hackintoshes, I've had a mac for the last 26 years and this is my first PC. Built by my buds who are very skilled at this thing, but they are working crazy hours now and don't have time for me to bug them with every ... bug, that I'm experiencing.

Every 1-3 days as I boot it will hang and then the mobo will beep once then three times. This denotes "No VGA detected" from the manual. It will often happen multiple times in a row. The displays I have connected are attached by HDMI & miniDP.

Occasionally it goes through into Clover and then hangs there when I select an OS. After 1-5 reboots it boots just fine into either OS. Once it boots fully it's very stable.

Other times I boot directly into clover the first time and it's all good. This is without changing any settings and with all the same peripherals attached.

What's your standard operating procedure for this? Reseat ram & GPU, what else? What are the basic ways to diagnose compatibility issues with bios? I have reset all the bios values to factory default recently to isolate the problem, but it persists. Not sure if my USB devices are interfering with the boot or if that is even possible.

I'm fairly savvy with terminal commands and the general concept of how computers work, just unfamiliar with the specifics of clover and win10.

Thanks for any ideas.

submitted by /u/UmbraPenumbra
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