Hey All,

I have been doing some research lately on graphics cards and would like some other opinions regarding one particular question. My own hackintosh build is pretty much spec-for-spec a 5K iMac with a 1080p monitor and no graphics card. At the moment, I am using the Intel HD530 graphics which come with my processor. This works fine except for problems with sleep which I hope to alleviate with some kind of dedotated graphics unit. I have considered just buying any old piece of crud in the GTX series and just rolling with it but I hope to one day (funds inhibiting) plug a nice, big, 5K monitor into my hackintosh. And so, that in mind, I am looking for the closest thing Nvidia makes (I request Nvidia because I would prefer to go with something that Multibeast has the facilities to install Kexts for) to the AMD Radon R9 M390 and R9 M395 units that come standard with the current iMacs. I have heard that a GTX960 is the card I am looking for but I don't know much about graphics cards so I would like an nth opinion. Thanks to all your hackers out there in advance for you help on my quest for better graphics (and the ability to put my computer to sleep). Keep hacking!

submitted by /u/ha0n321
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