I'm very new to Hackintoshes, but successfully have the following build running smoothly (all except for ProTools that is):


i7-4770 Haswell 3.4GHz

EVGA GeForce GTX 650 Ti

Samsung Pro 256 GB SSD (boot drive)

Seagate Barracuda 2TB 7200 RPM (sample drive)

The version of ProTools I'm trying to run is 10.3.7.

When I plug in my iLok into a USB3 port, the light turns on. In system information, my computer recognizes that the iLok is there, but ProTools will not start.

I tried uninstalling Pro Tools, repairing disk permissions, re-installing Pro Tools. But to no avail.

I thought it was my iLok (although it runs perfectly on my MBP). I uninstalled iLok License Manager, reinstalled it, and resynched my iLok. But still, no dice.

I read online that it may have something to do with plugging in the iLok AFTER you start up your computer. So I did so, but nothing changed.

Then I read online that it has something to do with network settings, and that a certain Digidal.kext was causing the problem. So I deleted it, repaired permissions, restarted my computer, but nothing changed.

I'm running out of ideas, and the only thing I can really think of is that maybe I installed the wrong ethernet driver in MultiBeast? Perhaps I just need to install the software in a certain order?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by cullanrocks

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