I am looking to dual boot windows (7 or 8) and OSX using two separate volumes (no partitioning). My main question is would the performance increase of running two RAID 0 arrays (2 x 128 GB Samsung 840 Pro) be worth the added price of buying additional smaller drives, the danger of drive failure, or general set up? Should I just use a single 256 SSD for each OS? I will mainly be using this workstation in my Adobe workflow including Photoshop, InDesign, Lightroom, and Premiere, with heavy gaming on the windows side.
Here is the build it will be going into, let me know if you see any places to save some money (not including sales because I won't be pulling the trigger for a few months) or if I have any incompatible or difficult parts. This will be my first pc build and hackintosh attempt, and I'm looking to avoid as many headaches as possible.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
submitted by trogbd
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What is missing? Please comment to help! ...[source] For more info try www.iatkos.net

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