Just found this sub and was hoping you guys might be able to help -- if I am in the wrong place feel free to steer me otherwise...

I'm a PC owner who has recently been getting pretty heavy into graphic design and was thinking of a move to a Mac OS. I'm mainly using Adobe Photoshop + Illustrator + InDesign, and don't have any plans to move outside of that (premiere, after effects etc). My laptop has been sufficing for now (slowwww) so I was hoping to have a dedicated desktop for Adobe. Ideally it would be able to run these programs along with the occasional few windows of chrome for image searching, and possibly Soundcloud. My key goal overall though, is speedspeedspeed and fluidity. Since it is also just for these dedicated programs, cheap would also be nice ($400 range?).

I wanted to get your thoughts on whether a Hackintosh is the way to go, or if this is too big/unnecessary and I should go for an older Mac via CL or eBay, etc? (I also wasn't sure about a Hack/Mac mini for this situation?) I would be up for my own build, using all guidance available, but I wanted to see if I was trying to bite off more than I can chew/need to chew. Appreciate any/all help ~ Cheers!

submitted by do_right_now

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