Credits mainly go to gygabyte666 for creating this useful tutorial and creating the mach_kernel to help me boot UniBeast.

So I'm installing this laptop for a friend, my support will be limited.

What you need to know:

-This system has a locked MSR 0xE2, If you are a previous hackint0sh user this means AICPUPM.kext patch is useless, read more about it here

-While using gygabyte's kernel, you may need to boot with -f for everything until you patch your kernel in a newer version of OS X.

Suggested Install:

-8GB USB Installer created using Unibeast 3.0.1 using 10.9.0 Mavericks (nothing newer)

-Replace mach_kernel on USB with gygabyte's patched XCPM free kernel (only compatible with 10.9.0)

-boot with -f

-if that doesn't work, boot with -f -x -v (and if you can't get in, send me a screenshot of your panic)

-Please just use this method for installation, upon updating to 10.9.2, you will need to patch your kernel using this patch by RehabMan (this guy is awesome)


Please read all the links I'm posting!!! Honestly, I don't own this laptop and this is mainly a reference for people who have never tried hackint0shing or someone looking for a starter kit for this particular laptop, many features can still be improved, I'm just posting this cause no one has for this laptop yet! [GO TO DOWNLOAD]

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