I've had a problem occur three times over the past two years of owning a Hackintosh, where I copy files from local drives onto external archive drives, and come to find out weeks down the road that the copied files are corrupt on the destination archive drives.

All three times, the corrupted files appear fine in terms of file size and format - but when trying to open them, no luck. Quicktimes, audio files, docs, etc... have all experienced this problem. During file transfer, no errors messages occurred and it appeared the files had transferred successfully.

My old workflow was to use CCC w/ checksum verification to copy from the source internal Hard Disk to the external HDD via USB 3.0. However, I recently learned that CCC perform the checksum verification BEFORE it copies any files, not after to verify a successful copy, so using this verification is pointless. source

My new workflow has been to copy to external via Drag & Drop in Finder, then once the copy is completed, use CCC to perform a checksum verification of the copied files.

From my research, the problem may be do to a few factors:

  1. Bad bridge on one of my USB 3 ports causing corruption.

  2. Something to do with the disk cache not functioning properly, making transfers appear successful until you disconnect the drive and reconnect to verify.

  3. Possibly an issue with bad RAM?

I'm not sure where to check my error logs for flags - any guidance there would be helpful.

Has anybody experienced this issue before? Any suggestions or recommendations to isolate/fix this problem?

Specs: Gigabyte GA-Z77X-D3H, Intel i5 3.4ghz, Cooler Master Elite 430 case, 2x Corsair Vengeance 16GB RAM, Rosewill Hive-750w PSU

submitted by oznobninja

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