I'm new to building a computer and hackintoshes in general and I did a bit of my own research prior to this post and I was wondering if investing in a socket 2011 build currently would be a waste of money.

I do both 3D motion graphics (Cinema 4D primarily) and a lot of video editing/2D animation & motion graphics (in Premier/AE). I'm looking to build a machine that has the potential to go beyond 32GB of RAM and will have the ability to have >4 cores so that my machine will last as long as possible and so that I'll be able generate 3D graphics as fast as possible.

From what I understand, however, the 1150 builds only support up to 32GB of ram, only currently support 4 core processors, and I've read articles on how intel supposedly won't be producing chips for socket 2011 anytime soon. I've also noticed that most of the chips for current socket 2011 builds are all manufactured in 2012 (I'm currently heavily leaning toward the 3930k). Will these chips be outdated soon? Or will they still be considered fast in 4+ years? In terms of timing, what would your recommendation be for a build that could potentially go 32GB+ of RAM and >4 cores?

I apologize if this type of question has already been answered, I tried searching through this forum and tonymacx86 but I couldn't find one that was up to date... Please direct me to one if this has already been answered.

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submitted by U83R_H4X0R808

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