I've had my Hackintosh running 10.8.5 for most of a year, and was holding off updating to Mavericks because some of my work software wasn't compatible. Compatibility issues have been sorted, so a couple days ago I updated to Mavericks 10.9.0, and everything went fine. Yesterday I updated to 10.9.2 using the instructions over at TonyMacX86 and again, everything went fine. Thinking back, I'm not sure if I remembered to repair permissions after the install. Anyway, I worked with it all day, pretty sure I even rebooted a few times, and had no issues. However, this morning I can't boot up. No bootloader, nothing. I tried booting from my USB stick with Unibeast, and it goes straight to a blinking cursor. I went to the BIOS, reset to optimized defaults and set AHCI, and when I save and exit, it just goes straight to the blinking cursor again. I have no idea where to go next. It's not even getting to the point where I can turn on verbose logging or change boot options. Just straight from BIOS to blinking cursor. So...I'm lost. Is there something I can do to reset, like putting in a new hard drive or replacing the mobo or something? I'm not sure what the failure point is.

submitted by ihaveascreenname

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