I've looked all over tonymacx86 and google attempting to find a solution to my problem and it hasn't come through for me. I have an Asus z87-k Intel i7 4770k Haswell. I have a compatible graphics card, however it was sent to me faulty so I'm using the onboard graphics. I can't even get UniBeast or MyHack to boot to the USB. I disconnected HDD, DVD drive aswell. The only thing it can boot from is the USB and I can't get it to do anything. I tried something obscure, and I decided to boot an iBoot DVD(For old Snow Leopard installations?) and the UniBeast appears through iBoot. So, attempting to boot from there(which I assume probably is what causes the error I get through there), it boots the USB and attempts to start everything however reaches this: Starting Darwin x86 boot=uuid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rd=uuid arch=1386 -v -x GraphicsEnabler=no and then loops me back to the BIOS. So, tl;dr, I can't get it to boot to UniBeast unless I use an iBoot DVD, which is obscure, and I get that error if I use that. Any help is appreciated, and thanks for taking the time to help me if possible. I can't seem to find any guides online for my motherboard, though I know it's supported.
submitted by TheGreatCactii
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What is missing? Please comment to help! ...[source] For more info try www.iatkos.net

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