Hi Guys,

Long time stalker first time poster!

I've been thinking about building my own hackintosh for a while and done a fair bit of research but i have a couple of questions, if anyone could answer them it be great!

Bit of background first i'm a student soon to be graduate in post production so the machine will be for primarily this.

The specs i'm looking at of course come from Tonymacs build and is basically his April's Edition

  • GA-Z87X-UD5H

  • Intel Core i7-4770K

  • GeForce GTX 760

  • 32GB 1600MHz DDR3

  • TP-Link PCI Express Wifi Adapter

  • 3 Port 2b 1a PCI 1394b FireWire Adapter Card with DV Editing Kit

  • Samsung SH-224DB 24X Internal DVD Writer with SATA

  • I also have a couple of SSD's already

So here's my questions

  1. Still in search of case, i'm looking for a pretty standard case as long as it's not huge and fairly quiet any suggestions? (Points for awesome looking)

  2. Is there anyway I can alter that build to make it even cheaper without skimping on performance?... It's currently at about a grand would love to get it down... WHen it comes to motherboards and graphics card not really the most knowledgeable but needs to be handle constant video editing use!

  3. This may be the stupidest question of them all but when it comes to the graphics card is there anything stopping me just installing it later on into the system or would it be better to wait and do it at the start?

  4. Any advice tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks Guys for your time!

submitted by englandere

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