Hi everyone,

the GA Z77XUP5TH board has done me well as an upgrade from the DS3H. But... there are some compatibility issues with this board that aren't present with the DS3H.

The DS3H, as far as I could see, has 100% OOB compatibility with OS X. The UP5-TH has some issues with:

  • Sound

  • iMessage

Sound is fine... until sleep mode is activated. Upon waking from sleep, the sound does not work. Does anyone know of a fix for this? It's super inconvenient to have to restart my compute every time it goes to sleep!

iMessage just doesn't work. I've tried all of the fixes and re-installing and there's been no change. Some other people with this board have reported it just working out of the blue for no reason days or weeks after they attempted to fix it, but I don't understand why that could be.

submitted by hesham8

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