Hi everyone. I'm a long time Mac user (10+ years) however I'm a first time hackintosher so please forgive me if I ask dumb questions.
After installing 10.9.3 I ran into some issues with my secondary display... an old Compaq VGA only monitor connected with a VGA to DVI adapter. It shows the motherboard splash screen, the bootloader, and the apple logo just fine, but when OS X loads up it says "No Signal" and OS X doesn't recognize it. My Asus VS228 works fine in all ports on my graphics card including HDMI so I know that this isn't a hardware issue. My friend loaned me his spare monitor for now so I have something to use, however this is really annoying.
I have a Gigabyte GA-Z77X-U5DH with an Intel 3570k and an MSI GTX770 OC edition. My PSU is also an upper mid level Corasir HX 750W with more than enough power to supply all of the components. I had no issues under 10.9.2... so this is clearly a 10.9.3 issue.
I would appreciate some advice. Just a note, I did try PCIRootUID=0 and PCIRootUID=1 already with no avail.
I'm at a complete loss
submitted by davidbrustein
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What is missing? Please comment to help! ...[source] For more info try www.iatkos.net

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