Hi. I managed to install 10.10.1 on my custom AMD system that I built in 2012. All was good, had internet and had graphics as it automatically detected my graphics card and set the resolution to 1920x1080.

So I decided to try and update the OS to the latest version of OS X which is 10.10.3, once the update was installed the computer restarted for me to find out that I can't boot back in to OS X

Originally I used the following boot flags to get in to OS X

PCIRootUID=1 GraphicsEnabler=No ncpi=0x2000 /Extra/mach_Kernel

that worked when the OS was at 10.10.1 but since I tried to update to 10.10.3 that boot flag causes an black screen and cause the system to restart and go back to the boot loader.

What should I do?

submitted by KillerByte22

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