I successfully installed El Cap (full version, not beta or GM) on my machine using Clover. I am trying to edit SystemVersion.plist in order to install an older program, but due to the new rootless security, I can no longer do it. Whatever I try to do to disable rootless, however, doesn't work. Booting into the recovery partition and running csrutil disable in terminal gives a successful response, but when rebooting into the main system it doesn't seem to have stuck. The rootless=0 bootflag no longer works, as expected.

I have also tried running single user verbose mode to both disable rootless and edit the .plist file, but neither works.

Has anyone had any luck disabling rootless on their machine?

I don't think system specs are the issue here, which is why I'm not posting them. If it's something you think would help I will post.

submitted by uncojwu
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