I already have Mavericks/Win 7 installed, each on a seperate harddrive. I have an extra harddrive for windows programs. I created a partition (~25 gb) for ubuntu 14.04.3. Clover doesn't recognize it. There's no icon in the menu. I tried installing Ubuntu twice, because apparently the first time it seems I didn't create an EFI partition.

The second time around I created four partitions: a FAT32 partition (the EFI partition) and set its mount point as /windows, a ext4 partition with mount as /, another ext4 partition with mount as /home, and lastly a small swap partition.

Not sure what I need to do. I read that the boot flag needs to be set for the EFI partition but not sure how to do this considering there is no option within the ubuntu installation.

submitted by /u/sinuspane
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