So, my first Hackintosh. I did this all pretty blindly, so the fact that it worked the first time is incredible! Here I am sitting in front of El Capitan loaded on my PC! Wonderful, right? Well, I overlooked a small thing... WiFi! I use a Netgear A6200 USB WiFi adapter and there aren't any drivers available online. I'm so sad. Everything was working SOO well until this! Agh! Anyway, all this to ask a simple question: is there anything I can do? I can't get Ethernet here. Out of the question. I'm two floors away from my modem! I know there are no specific drivers I can use, but are there any general drivers that I can find online? I don't know how this stuff works... I've come so far, I really want to finish this without having to get a new adapter!


submitted by /u/DylanOakes
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