Before I say anything, I'm just gonna put it out there that I'm not really sure where (as in what subreddit) this question belongs in. If it's better suited elsewhere, please let me know and I'll move it accordingly.

I just got a macbook pro that I originally wanted to partition for windows, but since I got the 128GB model, I opted to just get an external hard drive and attempt to install windows on that. It's a 2TB hard drive though, and I wasn't planning on using the whole thing for windows storage. So my question is this: should I partition the hard drive and use around 500GB (or whatever) for windows and the rest for mac, or would it be smarter/easier/possible to just leave it as one partition, install windows on it, and still use it as storage for my mac?

I've got drivers from the manufacturer on my mac that allows the mac to read/write to the hard drive when it's formatted for windows.

submitted by /u/luctadeusz
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